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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting July 2019 Minutes
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ALA MOANA-KAKAÔAKO NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD NO. 11July 2019 MinutesOATH OF OFFICE - The Neighborhood Assistant administered the Oath of Office to Rodney Chang, Ron Komine, Kathleen Lee, and Michael Zehner. DRAFT INITIAL CONVENING MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER - Chair Pro Tem Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Quorum was established with eight (8) members present. Note - This nine (9)-member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the July 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 and explained that the Neighborhood Board system was established to promote citizen participation in the government's decision-making process. Chair Tam welcomed new Board members and welcomed back returning Board members. Board Members Absent - None. Vacancy - There was one (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 2 - Official boundary description: "Beginning at the junction of Ke eaumoku and King Streets, south along Ke eaumoku Street to Kapi olani Boulevard, thence west along Kapi olani Boulevard to Pensacola Street, thence north along Pensacola Street to King Street, thence southeast along King Street to Ke eaumoku Street." Guests - A staff members (Senator Sharon Moriwaki's Office); James Stone (House Speaker Scott Saiki's Office), Representative Tom Bower; Deputy Director Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative; Honolulu Emergency Services Department); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Councilmember Ann Kobayashi and Jaren McCartney (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office), Lieutenant Brian Taniguchi (Honolulu Police Department, District 1); Dani Yoo (Department of Land and Natural Resources), Francine Murray (Hawaii Community Development Authority), Mike Mansfield, Dave Watase (Ala Wai Canal Project), Mr. Toba, Jeff Carbaugh (Hawai i Convention Center); Lori Chong (Nan, Inc.); Ronald Higa (Liliha/Pu unui/ lewa/Kamehameha Heights Neighborhood Board No. 14 resident), Kimeona Kane (Waim nalo Neighborhood Board No. 32 Chair), John Ka ulupali and Aura Reys (Ka Po e o Kaka ako), Joe Maga, Brian Bagnall (Outdoor Circle), Shar Chun-Lum and Bruce Lum (Save Ala Moana Beach Park (SAMBP) Hui), Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation), Savannah Mantonona, Nani Medeiros (Home Aid Hawaii), John Mantonona, Nolan Borden (Baranof Holdings), Pat Parsons, Two (2) videographers (Integrated Multimedia Consultants), and K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Commission Office). ELECTION OF OFFICERS (To serve from Monday, July 1, 2019 to Tuesday, June 30, 2020) The officers to be elected are the Chair, one or more Vice Chairs, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and any other officer(s) determined to be needed to conduct the board's business [NP ¤2-14-120(b)]. Chair - Chang nominated Ryan Tam for Chair. Cloutier seconded. (No second was required.) There were no other nominations. As there were no other nominations for Chair, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 elected Ryan Tam to be the Chair by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Vice Chair - Chang nominated Michael Zehner for Vice Chair. Lynn Mariano nominated himself for Vice Chair. There were no other nominations. Mariano thought he had the experience to be the Vice Chair. Zehner wanted to continue being the Vice Chair. Chair Tam decided that there would be a vote for First Vice Chair, followed by a vote for Second Vice Chair. There will be a roll call vote and the first person to get quorum votes (five [5]) wins). The first vote ended in a tie, 4 for Zehner and 4 for Mariano. There will be a second vote and if there is another tie, then this item will go on the agenda for the next meeting. The second vote ended with Zehner with 6 votes and 2 for Mariano. The Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 elected Michael Zehner to be the First Vice Chair by a vote of 6 for Zehner and 2 for Mariano. Second Vice Chair - Mariano was nominated to be the Second Vice Chair. As there were no other nominations, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 elected Lynn Mariano to be the Second Vice Chair by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Secretary - Kathleen Lee nominated herself for Secretary. There were no other nominations. As there were no other nominations for Secretary, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 elected Kathleen Lee to be the Secretary by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Treasurer - Chang nominated Jayne Cloutier for Treasurer. Bryan Mick nominated himself for Treasurer. Cloutier nominated Rodney Chang for Treasurer. Chang declined the nomination. The roll call vote was 5 for Mick and 2 for Cloutier. The Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 elected Bryan Mick to be the Treasurer by a vote of 5 for Mick and 2 for Cloutier. Chair Tam noted that more officers could be added later. PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) P wa a Station - There was no representative present and no report was available. Honolulu Police Department (HPD), District 1 - Lieutenant Brian Taniguchi reported the following: Comments followed: FILLING OF VACANCY IN SUBDISTRICT 2 - Official boundary description: "Beginning at the junction of Keeaumoku and King Streets, south along Keeaumoku Street to Kapiolani Boulevard, thence west along Kapiolani Boulevard to Pensacola Street, thence north along Pensacola Street to King Street, thence southeast along King Street to Keeaumoku Street." As there were no volunteers, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting. BOARD ADMINISTRATION Meeting Determination Date/Time/Location (August 2019 to June 2021) - Currently, the Board meets on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month, at the Makiki Christian Church at 7:00 p.m. Mick mentioned that other Neighborhood Boards move around the district to get more participation. Chair Tam suggested keeping the regular meeting the same and the Board could call a Special Meeting at a different location. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED to keep the same meeting time, location, and time by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Determination of Board Recess Schedule (August 2019 to June 2021) - As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED to continue the same recess time in December by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Request to Participate in the lelo Broadcast Program or to Request Funds for an Annual Newsletter - As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED to continue the lelo Broadcast Program by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Adoption of Oral Testimony Rules - Chang moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 continue as before. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED to continue the Rules of Speaking (in the box at the top of the agenda) by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Chair Tam thanked the Makiki Christian Church for its support throughout the years. PRESENTATIONS Festa Italiana - Zach DiIonno and Joe Magaldi announced the community event on Cooke Street, Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more information, go to - About 5,000 people attended last year. They are partnering with a new community group. Ka Po e o Kaka ako Update - Representatives reported that they are continuing to work with Lieutenant Governor Josh Green on moving to the new location near the Middle Street Transit Station. There still issues of juveniles committing crimes and they are being resolved. They are still doing weekly clean ups. They are still coordinating with service providers. After two "sweeps," there are still 48 people. They are focusing on removing foliage at the Children's Discovery Center. Comments followed: Rules Enforcement - Mariano noted that HPD has it hands are tied. Ala Wai Canal Dredging and Improvements Project Update - Gayson Ching, Department of Land and Natural Resources, distributed a handout and noted that 186,000 cubic yards of dredging will be removed. They will also do wall repair. They will filter debris before dumping at Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dump sites. Coring will determine the sediments. The wall repair will done by Hawaiian Dredging and may require temporary closure. If iwi are found, then work will stop until proper care is done. The will no toxicity, as water quality will be monitored. The sewer lines will be noted. They have Hurricane plans. 868 Queen Street Development - Nolan Borden, Baranof Holdings, detailed his Self-Storage Project, which will fit the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) requirements. They will have 14 parking spaces and flexible units and it will be a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building. ELECTED OFFICIALS REPORTS Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Deputy Director Ian Santee, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD) reported the following: Comments followed: Comments followed: Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - Councilmember Kobayashi reported the following: Councilmember Tommy Waters (City Council District 4) - Councilmember Waters usually goes to the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board No. 1 meeting, which meets on the last Tuesday of the month. Mick pointed out that he has missed the last three (3) meetings. Chair Tam noted that Councilmember Waters could have come tonight and Chair Tam will reach out to him. State Representative Tom Brower - Representative Tom Brower was no longer present. However, his Neighborhood Board Report was available. House Speaker Scott Saiki - Concerns - James Stone distributed a Neighborhood Report and reported that he was available to hear concerns. State Senator Sharon Moriwaki - A staff member distributed Senator Moriwaki's "Caring for Each Other" community newsletter and reported that she was available to hear concerns. Governor David Ige's Representative - Cindy McMillian, Director of Communications, was not present, but the Capitol Connection was online at the Governor's website at - Chair Tam is trying to speed up the agenda by sharing links to handouts and newsletters. U.S. Congressman Ed Case - Chad Wolke was not present and no report was available. Chair Tam received an e-mail about tour helicopter noise and public safety. AGENCY REPORTS Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) - Francine Murray distributed the HCDA newsletter and reported the following: Comments followed: Parking Stalls - Chair Tam will forward an e-mail on parking stalls and size. State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division - George Abcede met with the Community Action Committee (CAC) last month and reported the following: Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee reported the following: City Center Utilities Relocation Project - Nan, Inc. and the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation will be holding an informational meeting to provide businesses and residents with the latest details about the ongoing utilities relocation work for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project. Staff will be available at the meeting to answer questions. If you have questions or comments, please call HART's 24-Hour Project Hotline at (808) 566-2299. You can also visit Nan, Inc. at the project website at Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Chair Tam read the following: RESIDENTS' AND COMMUNITY CONCERNS - There was one (1) concern about parking stalls and another announcement. Mariano received an e-mail about redistricting the Subdistrict 4. Chair Tam mentioned that this is on tonight's agenda. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS - Attendance at Other Meetings Chair's Report NEW BUSINESS Consider Resolution, Regarding Ke eaumoku Mixed-Use Residential Towers Development - Chang moved to accept the draft resolution and Mariano seconded. Discussion followed. Chang lives in the area and stated that when the developers presented the project in October 2018, they did not address the density issue of changing the height limit from 250 feet to 400 feet and the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 2.5 to 7 and the traffic issue. Chair Tam read the resolution that the DPP defer the application until more public input is heard. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Former Board member and resident Chris Chung added that the developer should reduce the number of parking spaces, as the project is in a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) zone. Chair Tam thanked Chung for attending the public hearing on behalf of the Board. Consider Resolution, Regarding KakaÔako Community Representation - Mick noted that in the last Neighborhood Board Elections there were six (6) candidates running for one (1) seat for Subdistrict 4. He got the number of registered voters in Subdistrict 2, Subdistrict 3, and Subdistrict 4 and saw that Subdistrict 4 needed more representation. There is still a vacancy in Subdistrict 2. Mick moved and Chang seconded to accept the resolution. Discussion followed. Mariano favored increasing the number of seats in Subdistrict 4, but does not in favor decreasing Subdistrict 2. Chair Tam suggested tabling this issue to the CAC. Chang moved and Mariano seconded to defer this issue to the CAC. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the motion by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). David Watase had gone to a Neighborhood Commission meeting where it discussed adding Neighborhood Board members. Adding two (2) members to a nine (9)-member Board is a good idea. Mariano favored increasing the number of seats in Subdistrict 4, but does not in favor decreasing Subdistrict 2. Chang was concerned where to place the two (2) seats. Chung added that Subdistrict 4 has the Police Headquarters and other important offices and may need more seats. Clarification - The agenda item -- Consider resolution, regarding KakaÔako community representation was about Neighborhood Board seats and not for the Homeless population. Discuss and consider actions, regarding Helicopter Noise and Safety - Chair Tam received e-mails from U.S. Congressman Ed Case and communications from a Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 Board member. Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting. Consider Actions, Regarding Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project (AWFMP) - Dave Watase summarized the $345 million project, which would put six (6) detention basins in many Neighborhood Board districts. They also propose a four (4)-foot wall around the Ala Wai Canal. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) abandoned restoration measures in 2012. Watase added that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 was the second Neighborhood Board to pass the first letter, asking the Legislature to delay funding of the State's $125 million until more public input is heard. Last month the M noa Neighborhood Board No. 7 passed a letter to Mayor Kirk Caldwell to not sign the Partnership Agreement with the USACE and to Governor David Ige to not accept the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Tonight, he had the letters with changes for the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 to forward to Mayor Caldwell and Governor Ige. Chang moved and Cloutier seconded to send out the Board's previous resolution to Mayor Caldwell, Governor Ige, and Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC). Discussion followed. The Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the motion, 7-0-1 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, and Tam; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: Zehner). BOARD BUSINESS Approval of the Tuesday, May 28, 2019 and Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes - On Page 3 of the Tuesday, May 28, 2019 regular meeting minutes, Mick had an amendment, under Vision Zero, it should read, "Chris Johnson, City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services (DTS), gave a brief statistical overview. Pedestrian fatalities (over 27) in Hawai i are the second highest per capita in the nation. As there were no further amendments or objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 APPROVED Tuesday, May 28, 2019 regular meeting minutes, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). The Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes were not available. Treasurer's Report - The Treasurer's Report was not available. Discuss Board Member Focus Areas - In the interest of time, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting. Establish Community Action Committee (CAC) and Other Committees - Mariano moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 establish the Community Action Committee (CAC) with Chair Tam as the Chair. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the motion, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). Meeting times and times to be determined. Mariano and Mick volunteered for the CAC. Chung will join again. Establish Permitted Interaction Group (PIG), Regarding KakaÔako Community Representation - Previously, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next CAC meeting. Identify Delegate for Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) Citizen Advisory Committee - In the interest of time, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting. PERMIT REVIEWS, HEARINGS and APPLICATIONS • Application and Continuance of Public Hearing for Ke eaumoku Mixed-Use Residential Towers Development - Interim Planned Development-Transit and Special District Permit (Major) at 805, 815, 819, 835, 903, 905, 915, and 919 Ke eaumoku Street and 1519 Liana Street - Pawa a Kai. Hearing will be held on Friday, July 26, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Mission Memorial Conference Room, 550 South King Street. Application materials are available at the Ala Moana Shopping Center Satellite City Hall, the Hawaii State Public Library, and the McCully-M ili ili Public Library. COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES ANNOUNCEMENTS • Next Meeting - Next Meeting - The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Makiki Christian Church. CHANGE TIME Mariano moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 change the start meeting time to 6:30 p.m. from 7:00 p.m. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 CHANGED the start time to 6:30 p.m., by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Cloutier, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Submitted by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant ALA MOANA-KAKAÔAKO NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD NO. 11June 2019 Minutes
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Quorum was established with eight (8) members present. Note - This nine (9)-member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the June 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 and explained that the Neighborhood Board system was established to promote citizen participation in the government's decision-making process. Board Members Present - William Ammons, Rodney Chang, Lynn Mariano, Ryan Tam, Jayne Cloutier, Susan Oppie, Chris Chung, and Ron Komine. Board Members Absent - Michael Zehner. Vacancies - There were no vacancies. Guests - Cindy McMillian (Governor David Ige's Representative, Communication Director); Senator Sharon Moriwaki and two (2) staff members (Senator Sharon Moriwaki's Office); James Stone (House Speaker Scott Saiki's Office), Representative Tom Bower; Deputy Director Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative; Honolulu Emergency Services Department); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Councilmember Ann Kobayashi and Jaren McCartney (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office), Captain Randall Gibo (Honolulu Fire Department, P wa a Station); Lieutenant Pamela Liu and Sergeant Stephen Keogh (Honolulu Police Department, District 1); Brian Bagnall (Outdoor Circle and the Waik k Neighborhood Board No. 9), Ronald Higa (Liliha/Pu unui/ lewa/Kamehameha Heights Neighborhood Board No. 14 resident); Mr. Kashiba, representing John Ka ulupali (Ka Po e o Kaka ako); Shar Chun-Lum, Diane Fujimura, and Bruce Lum (Save Ala Moana Beach Park (SAMBP) Hui); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation), Dave Watase (Ala Wai Canal Project), Sky Chun-Matsukawa, Jeff Carbaugh (Hawai i Convention Center), Tom Schnell, Bob Kern, Bryan Mick, Todd Apo (The Howard Hughes Corporation), Mr. Toba, Marc Alexander (Mayor's Office on Housing), Scott Morishige (State Homeless Coordinator), Two (2) videographers (Integrated Multimedia Consultants), and K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Commission Office). PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) P wa a Station - There was no representative present and no report was available. Honolulu Police Department (HPD), District 1 - Sergeant Stephen Keogh reported the following: Comments followed: MAHALO TO OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS - As the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) has completed the Elections for the new two (2)-year term, Chair Tam wanted to recognize the service of the retiring Board members - William Ammons, Chris Chung, and Susan Oppie with Certificates of Recognition. Councilmember Carol Fukunaga also had a certificate to present and she invited all of the Elected Officials to come forward to take a group shot of the presentation. Chair Tam acknowledged the service of the departing Board members. Ammons never missed a meeting and never left early. PRESENTATIONS KakaÔako Dog Park Study - Brian Bagnall, a non-practicing veterinarian, and Councilmember Fukunaga had met with Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Director Michele Nekota and gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on behalf of the Community Action Committee (CAC). There is an increased number of residents, who have a dog. There are five (5) Dog Parks on the island, two (2) more are planned, and $100,000+ has been allocated to study the situation. There are many "unofficial" Dog Parks, like at the Civic Center. Bagnall visited two (2) Dog Parks at the Ala Wai and at Hawaii Kai, which are not well-maintained, but the park users are happy. Bagnall noted there were many requirements for establishing an off-leash, fenced, maintained Dog Park. His first choice was the Kaka ako Waterfront Park. Mother Waldron Park could be a "non-permanent" Dog Park. Hawai i Kai is a public/private partnership and the Humane Society just donated $275,000 for a Dog Park at Kalo Place near the UH. Chair Tam noted that this issue had come up before the Community Action Committee (CAC) and will be discussed more. Ammons mentioned looking at the various Land Use Ordinances. Ka Po e o Kaka ako Update - Mr. Kashiba, representing John Ka ulupali, was a volunteer with a support group and started off with the Honolulu Star-Advertiser article from Friday, May 31, 2019. Previously, leaders of the houseless community have been organizing residents (89 out of 100) to move collectively to a property near the City Transit Center after discussions with Lieutenant Governor Josh Green. After the article, there were increased harassment by the public and sweeps (enforcement actions), which dispersed the community to the side streets of Kaka ako. Comments followed: Outreach - Mariano mentioned that he and Chair Tam had met with the leadership. They are trying to organize a community among themselves and 89 out of 100 people have submitted to "house regulations." Mariano hoped that after the sweeps of June 2019 that they will be able to re-group. Another volunteer noted that the Saturday clean-ups on the side streets are from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) P wa a Station - Captain Randall Gibo reported the following: Comments followed: Changing Batteries - Chung mentioned that previously HFD noted that 50% of false alarms are due to battery failure or easily-cleaned maintenance and suggested that more attention be devoted to this area to minimize service calls. Update on Homeless in KakaÔako - Marc Alexander, Executive Director, Mayor's Office on Housing (HOU) and Scott Morishige, State Co-ordinator on Homeless, presented on the homeless. The Medical Examiner, Dr. Hapi, looked at the "hard data" and discovered that people are dying on the streets. Last year, there were 90 death of unsheltered people with the average age of 53 years old. Alexander summarized the 2019 Homeless Point-in-Time Count Results which showed a decrease in the number of homeless. Morishige listed the various social services available, especially to the homeless of Kaka ako. Chair Tam noted that last month, the Board asked for resources available to the homeless and Chair Tam thanked Alexander and Morishige for providing the wealth of social and medical services available. Comments followed: Ala Moana Regional Park Master Plan - Shar Chun-Lum from Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui, introduced Diane Fujimura and Bruce Lum and shared her concerns about the makai Promenade, dogs and a Dog Park, perpendicular parking, and replenishing sand from the Ala Wai Canal. The "world class" children's playground needs more discussion. Comments followed: Ward Villages Development Update - Todd Apo, the Howard Hughes Corporation/ the Ward Villages, said that he just got back from a trip with State Legislators and the Governor's Office to Singapore and Hong Kong to look at housing and how others resolve the issues. He reported the following: Comments followed: Chair Tam received a suggestion from a person watching on lelo, to help speed up the meetings, the Elected Officials could post links to handouts and newsletters on the agenda. ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Deputy Director Ian Santee, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD) reported the following: Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga distributed her Neighbor to Neighbor newsletter and reported the following: Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - Councilmember Kobayashi reported the following: Councilmember Tommy Waters (City Council District 4) - Councilmember Waters went to the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board No. 1 meeting. State Representative Tom Brower - Representative Tom Brower was no longer present. However, his Neighborhood Board Report was available. House Speaker Scott Saiki - James Stone distributed a Neighborhood Report and reported the following: State Senator Sharon Moriwaki - Senator Moriwaki distributed her "Caring for Each Other" community newsletter and reported the following: Governor David Ige's Representative - Cindy McMillian, Director of Communications, distributed the June 2019 Capitol Connection and highlighted the following: U.S. Congressman Ed Case - No representative was present and no report was available. AGENCY REPORTS Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) - Francine Murray was not able to attend tonight. Questions may be submitted to Chair Tam. Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee had submitted the following report: Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Chair Tam read the following report: RESIDENTS' AND COMMUNITY CONCERNS Chair Tam received a concern about shopping carts. He will figure out how to address this issue. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Attendance at Other Meetings M lama McKinley - Chung attended a meeting with a group, M lama McKinley, who will have a clean-up on Saturday, August 3, 2019. Save Ala Moana Beach Park (SAMBP) Hui - Chang met with Shar Chun-Lum's group and invited them here tonight. Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) - William Ammons reported that the Honolulu Rate Commission is requesting input and testimonies on future policies and rates for Honolulu's Transit System. There will be three (3) meetings on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Tuesday, August 13, 2019, and one (1) in September 2019. For more information, the website is at - Ke eaumoku Mixed-Use Residential Towers Development - Chung testified on the project today. He noted that the project had more parking spaces, which would increase traffic. For an Ala Moana Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) project, it should have less parking spaces to encourage public transportation. Chair's Report - For the Ke eaumoku Mixed-Use Residential Towers Development, Chair Tam had submitted the Board's resolution from November 2018. Chair Tam will defer any new resolution to next month. Chair Tam also submitted the Board's resolution on the Ala Moana Beach Park. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ala Wai Canal Flood Control Project - Watase reported that last month the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Director Robert Kroning said they will be getting Geological/Technical surveys. The M noa Neighborhood Board No. 7 had a Special Meeting last night and sent two (2) letters, one (1) to Mayor Kirk Caldwell to request that he not sign the Partnership Agreement with the USACE and one (1) to Governor David Ige asking him not to accept the Hawai i Environmental Protection Agency (HEPA) report for the Ala Wai Canal Project. Watase had two (2) draft letters for the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 to consider and requested their passage. Discussion followed. From the Tuesday, April 23, 2019 minutes, the Board had submitted a resolution to State Legislators to delay funding for the project until more public input was given. Board members wanted more time to read and discuss the letters, make a resolution, and to consider the options. No action was taken. Consider Resolution Regarding Relocation of Kaka ako Houseless Community - As the resolution was passed last month, preceding the Saturday, June 1, 2019 "enforcement action," Mariano suggested that the Board withdraw the Resolution and monitor the situation. Chair Tam agreed. At 8:57 p.m. Chair Tam handed the gavel to Secretary Mariano. Consider Resolution Regarding Dog Park in the Kaka ako Area - Tam introduced the Dog Park resolution as follows: WHEREAS, the population of Kaka ako has increased by almost 40% between 2010 and 2017, and now contains about 12,000 residents (1); and (1) United States Census, American Community Survey, 2010 and 2017, Census Tracts 37 and 38. Mariano returned the gavel back to Chair Tam. BOARD BUSINESS Approval of the Tuesday, April 23, 2019 and Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes - The Tuesday, April 23, 2019 Regularly Meeting Minutes were previously mailed out. As there were no amendments or objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the Tuesday, April 23, 2019 regular meeting minutes by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 8-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Komine, Mariano, Oppie, and Tam; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). The Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Regular Meeting minutes were not available. Treasurer's Report - Treasurer Susan Oppie reported that the total monthly expenditures for June 2019 was $37.78, leaving a balance of $111.04. The Treasurer's report was filed. Chair Tam thanked Treasurer Oppie for her service. Notice of Three (3) Absences for Ron Komine - As there was no motion to declare the seat vacant, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 took no action on the three (3) absences letter for Ron Komine. Notice of Three (3) Absences for Jayne Cloutier - As there was no motion to declare the seat vacant, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 took no action on the three (3) absences letter for Jayne Cloutier. PERMITS, HEARINGS, AND APPLICATIONS • Special Liquor License - Saturday, August 10, 2019 and Saturday, August 17, 2019 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Tory Sport's Store, 1450 Ala Moana Boulevard. COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES • Mother Waldron Park (525 Cooke Street) - Mondays, 5:30 p.m.; ANNOUNCEMENTS • Next Meeting - The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Makiki Christian Church ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Submitted by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant
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